Admission Noticee
Latest Scholarship Applications

Master of Computer Engineering, Scholarship, 2081_Category(A)

Valid From: 2081-05-23
Valid Till: 2081-07-02

Master of Science in Computer Science, Scholarship,  2081_Category(A)

Valid From: 2081-05-23
Valid Till: 2081-07-02

Master of Science in Structural Engineering, Scholarship, 2081_Category(B)

Valid From: 2081-05-23

Valid Till: 2081-07-02

Master of Science in Sanitary Engineering, Scholarship, 2081_Category(B)

Valid From: 2081-05-23
Valid Till: 2081-07-02

Master of Science in Transportation Engineering and Management, Scholarship, 2081_Category(B)

Valid From: 2081-05-23

Valid Till: 2081-07-02

Master of Science in Environment Management, Scholarship  , 2081_Category(C)

Valid From: 2081-05-23
Valid Till: 2081-07-02

Master of Science in Bioinformatics, Scholarship, 2081_Category (D)

Valid From: 2081-05-23
Valid Till: 2081-07-02

Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering in Power System, Scholarship, 2081_Category (E)

Valid From: 2081-05-23
Valid Till: 2081-07-02

Masters of Science in Construction Management, Scholarship, 2081_Category (F)

Valid From: 2081-05-23
Valid Till: 2081-07-02

Pokhara-30, Kaski
Phone : 061-504039
Email : [email protected]