Boot-camp News

A five day long Z-camp – Innovative Entrepreneurs Boot Camp is currently being held by Curriculum Development Committee (CDC), Pokhara University for the professors from it’s constituents and affiliated colleges in Hotel Pokhara Grande since 21st of January 2018. The camp is being led by Vision Arena (Innovation Consulting firm – based in Seoul, Korea) and funded by NITEC.
A group of 25 Professors are being trained by the Business Model Zen Master Brad Cho from South Korea. Master Cho is also the CEO of Vision Arena, Seoul  as well as a Start-up Mentor, Innovation Coach and the author of books titled- ‘Business Model Zen’, and ‘You are Innovation’.
The Z-camp mingled with TTT (Train-The-Trainer) course is intended to help professors to learn innovative way to find opportunities and design and act business for entrepreneurs. Upon the successful completion of the workshop, the professors will be entitled to be a “Business Model Zen Trainer”. Business Model Zen provides a single logical frame where a business is systematically modelled and proactively managed, from idea to design and execution.