Conference Call for Papers

International Conference on Sustainable Development
(ICSD 2023)

23-24 June 2023
Pokhara, Nepal



Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pokhara University is pleased to announce a call for papers for the “International Conference on Sustainable Development” to be held on 23-24 June 2023 in Pokhara, Nepal. The conference provides an international platform for presentations on topics related to various issues of sustainable development.

Author(s) may submit abstracts (.doc or .docx), full-length papers (.doc or .docx), followed by PowerPoint presentations (.ppt or .pptx) for both face-to-face and virtual presentations at the conference. Scholars from around the globe can join this conference as a presenter or audience, or both.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee. The full-length papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on novelty, methodological rigorousness, and relevance to the conference theme and sub-themes. All submissions should be original and unpublished research results.

Important Dates
Abstract submission (200-300 words) 20 May 2023
Full-length paper submission (3000 -5000 words) 05 June 2023
PowerPoint presentation (.ppt or .pptx) submission 15 June 2023

An electronic copy of the abstract, full-length paper and PowerPoint should be submitted to [email protected]. The submitted abstracts will be blind-reviewed.

Selected papers after going through the further peer-review process will have the opportunity to get published in the upcoming volume of the Journal of Development and Social Engineering (JDSE) (ISSN: 2382-5332). JDSE is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published by the School of Development and Social Engineering, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pokhara University. JDSE journal is indexed on NepJOL (