In Nepal, endemic rural poverty, food insecurity and poor quality of rural life exist as outstanding development challenges. Inseparable relationship between agriculture and rural development demands that agriculture must be looked from a stand point of holistic rural development. Strong inter-linkages exist among technology, infrastructure and services, producing positive impacts to rural economy and quality of rural life. This has created demand for cadre of technical manpower who could apply the knowledge of engineering and technology in rural development. School of Engineering has started Bachelor program in Civil and Rural Engineering from the academic year 2018 which is a unique initiative in the country and in the region. The graduates in Civil and Rural Engineering are expected to serve in numerous government and development agencies working in the areas of rural infrastructure development, natural resources management, agro-industries and rural credit institutions, apart from conventional Civil Engineering projects
Semester I | Semester II | ||||
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours | Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
MTH 112 | Engineering Mathematics I | 3 | MTH 114 | Engineering Mathematics II | 3 |
PHY 111 | Physics | 4 | CHM 111 | Chemistry | 4 |
MEC 110 | Mechanical Workshop | 1 | MEC 111 | Thermal Science | 2 |
MEC 130 | Applied Mechanics I | 3 | ELE 110 | Basic Electrical Engineering | 3 |
CMP 113 | Programming in C | 3 | MEC 120 | Engineering Drawing | 2 |
ENG 111 | Communication Techniques | 2 | MEC 131 | Applied Mechanics II | 2 |
Semester III | Semester IV | ||||
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours | Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
MTH 212 | Engineering Mathematics III | 3 | CVR 211 | Crop Production and Management | 3 |
CVL 210 | Engineering Materials | 2 | WRE 211 | Hydraulics | 3 |
MEC 210 | Thermal Energy Conversion System | 3 | MTH 230 | Numerical Methods | 3 |
WRE 210 | Fluid Mechanics | 3 | STR 210 | Strength of Materials | 3 |
GTE 210 | Engineering Geology | 3 | GTE 320 | Soil Mechanics | 4 |
CVL 290 | Project I | 1 |
Semester V | Semester VI | ||||
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours | Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
CVR 321 | Rural Sociology | 3 | WRE 320 | Irrigation Engineering | 3 |
ELX 110 | Basic Electronics Engineering | 2 | GTE 321 | Foundation Engineering | 3 |
CVL 221 | Surveying I | 3 | CVL 321 | Surveying II | 3 |
STR 212 | Structural Analysis I | 3 | STR 312 | Structural Analysis II | 3 |
MTH 220 | Probability and Statistics | 3 | ARC 358 | Building Technology | 2 |
WRE 350 | Engineering Hydrology | 2 | ELE 321 | Electrical Machines and Power Utilization | 2 |
CVL 390 | Project II | 1 | CVL 322 | Survey Field Project | 1 |
Semester VII | Semester VIII | ||||
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours | Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
STR 320 | Design of Steel and Timber Structures | 3 | CVL 431 | Estimating and Valuation | 3 |
CVR 411 | Post Harvest Engineering | 2 | TRP 413 | Transportation Engineering | 4 |
WRE 430 | Hydropower Engineering | 3 | CVR 412 | Farm Machines and Equipment | 2 |
ENV 332 | Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering | 4 | STR 440 | Design of R.C.C. Structures | 3 |
CVR 431 | Renewable Energy | 3 | ECO 411 | Engineering Economics | 3 |
ENV 430 | Soil and Water Conservation Engineering | 2 | — | Elective I | 3 |
Semester IX | ||
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
CVL 441 | Construction Project Management | 3 |
CVR 441 | Rural Infrastructures | 3 |
WRE 440 | Groundwater Development and Tubewell Technology | 2 |
CVL 440 | Engineering Professional Practice | 2 |
— | Elective II | 3 |
CVR 490 | Rural Engineering Project | 5 |
Student seeking admission to Bachelor level engineering programs must have completed Intermediate in Science (I. Sc.) or Higher Secondary Education Level (10+2 with science stream), or Diploma in Engineering or Architecture or equivalent, from recognized Institution, securing at least second division marks or “C” Grade (average of theory & practical) in each subject on grade 11 and 12. Besides the basic academic requirement, applicants must enlist themselves in the merits list of the entrance exam taken by School of Engineering.