Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Development

The Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Development (BED) is a four-year undergraduate programme designed to prepare future entrepreneurs equipped with comprehensive knowledge and skills to start their own business. BED focuses on identifying, analyzing and evaluating global and local entrepreneurial opportunities through the development of innovative ideas. It also aims at creating a conducive environment to assess new enterprises; market research; financial and business planning; family owned enterprise/ business for its transformation and modernization of women and minority entrepreneurs.

The course is designed to achieve the following objectives:
  1. Enable students to start a successful enterprise;
  2. Train students towards fulfilling the demand of technical and professional human resources required for entrepreneurship development;
  3. Provide adequate educational background for careers in individual, community, social, public and private enterprises;
  4. Create an in-depth understanding of the main stream as well as alternative and emerging issues of entrepreneurship development; and
  5. Equip students with a set of core knowledge, skills, and competencies required to work in communities, social enterprises and private enterprises.
Career Opportunities
BED graduates can pursue wide career opportunities. They will be able to:
  1. Start their own enterprises;
  2. Take over and expand family-owned enterprises;
  3. Provide professional and extension services to aspiring entrepreneurs ;
  4. Bring an entrepreneurial perspective to business decision making;
  5. Fulfill the need of professionals required for government and non-government organizations such as the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies (MoICS), International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), Civil Societies and Research Institutions;
  6. Create a platform in social entrepreneurship and in private sectors.
Course Structure
BED programme is an interdisciplinary course with a total new insight. This programme incorporates eight semesters (two semesters per year) with 125 credit hours. The major courses include:

Entrepreneurship Skills for Startups; New Product Development and Management; Social Entrepreneurship; Community Based Enterprise Development and Management; Strategic Enterprise Management; Business Growth Management; E-Business Management; Indigenous Enterprise Management; Entrepreneurial Skills Development; Facilitation Skills; Business Counselling Skills; Global Entrepreneurship; Micro, Cottage and Small Enterprise Management; Venture Ideas and Model; Fund Raising for Startups; Practicum, etc.

Course Structure and the Curriculum
Semester I Semester II
Course Code Course Description Credit Hours Course Code Course Description Credit Hours
EDV 101 Fundamentals of Business Studies 3 EDV 151 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship 3
EDV 102 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics 3 EDV 152 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting 3
EDV 103 English 3 EDV 153 Sociology of Entrepreneurship 3
EDV 104 Nepali 3 EDV 154 Fundamentals of Economics 3
EDV 105 Computer and IT Applications 3 EDV 155 Business Statistics 3
Total 15 Total 15


Semester III Semester IV
Course Code Course Description Credit Hours Course Code Course Description Credit Hours
EDV 201 Fundamentals of Finance 3 EDV 251 Value Chain Management 3
EDV 202 Geographies of Entrepreneurship 3 EDV 252 Production and Operations Management 3
EDV 203 Methods and Models of Entrepreneurship Development 3 EDV 253 Research Methods for Entrepreneurship Studies 3
EDV 204 Business and Society 3 EDV 254 Leadership Development 3
EDV 205 Fundamentals of Marketing 3 EDV 255 Entrepreneurship Skills for Start ups 3
EDV 206 Entrepreneurial Skills Development I 1 EDV 256 Communication Skills for Entrepreneurs 3
Total 16 EDV 257 Entrepreneurial Skills Development II 1
Total 19


Semester V Semester VI
Course Code Course Description Credit Hours Course Code Course Description Credit Hours
EDV 301 Management of Innovation and Technology Adoption 3 EDV 351 Venture Ideas and Models 3
EDV 302 New Product Development and Management 3 EDV 352 Entrepreneurship Environment in Nepal 3
EDV 303 Resources and Enterprise Development 3 EDV 353 Global Entrepreneurship 3
EDV 304 Micro, Cottage and Small Enterprise Management 3 EDV 354 Social and Environment Impact Assessment 3
EDV 305 Management Information System 3 EDV 355 Entrepreneurial Skills Development IV 1
EDV 306 Entrepreneurial Skills Development III 1 EDV xxx Concentration II 3
EDV xxx Concentration I 3 Total 16
Total 19


Semester VII Semester VIII
Course Code Course Description Credit Hours Course Code Course Description Credit Hours
EDV 401 Fundraising for start-ups 1 EDV 451 Practicum II 12
EDV 402 Practicum I 6
EDV xxx Concentration III 3
EDV xxx Concentration IV 3
Total 13 Total 12


Concentration Themes

A. Community-based Entrepreneurship B. Private Sector Entrepreneurship
Course Code Course Description Credit Hours Course Code Course Description Credit Hours
EDV 307 Social Entrepreneurship 3 EDV 308 Strategic Enterprise Management 3
EDV 356 Business Growth Management 3 EDV 356 Business Growth Management 3
EDV 403 Social Mobilization for Enterprise Development 3 EDV 405 E-Business Management 3
EDV xxx Community-based Enterprise Development and Management 3 EDV 406 Indigenous Enterprise Management 3
Total 12 Total 12


C. Enterprise Development Facilitation
Course Code Course Description Credit Hours
EDV 309 Sustainable Enterprise Development 3
EDV 357 Facilitation Skills 3
EDV 407 Business Counseling Skills 3
EDV 403 Community-based Enterprise Development and Management 3
Total Social Mobilization for Enterprise Development 12

Entrepreneurial Skills Development (ESD) courses are “non-credit” courses. Students are required to complete the ESD courses. The course codes for specialized courses are assigned corresponding to the respective course specializations. Students can specialize only in one theme.

Entrepreneurial Skills Development/Practicum

Entrepreneurial Skills Development/Practicum courses will enable students to develop a realistic business plan to implement their business models. Practicum courses will provide students with real-life entrepreneurial experience. Students will start a new venture and run the venture throughout semester.

Fundraising for Startups

Students will be familiarized with the techniques of generating funds to finance start-up such as Business Angels, Venture Capital Financing, Crowd-funding, etc. A fundraising event will be organized by the students. Potential investors will be invited in the event where the students will present their business idea in the event to attract the investors. The investors can provide funds to the students’ business ideas that are deemed to have high potential business growth. Students will also make attempts to generate funds from angel investors through the use of social media and crowd-funding websites and approach public agencies to generate fund to finance their start-ups. Why BED at Pokhara University

Why BED at Pokhara University?
  1. A career oriented programme;
  2. Focus on innovativeness, competitive learning environment, and market driven concentration;
  3. Highly qualified faculties;
  4. Taught with modern equipment and participatory teaching-learning methodologies; and
  5. Exposure of guest lectures and modular teaching faculties along with professionals.
Admission Eligibility and Procedure
  1. Anyone who has completed 10+2 or intermediate level or its equivalent in any discipline from a recognized board is eligible for applying to Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Development (BED).; and
  2. Applicants are selected from a merit list of entrance examination conducted by the School of Development and Social Engineering.

A reasonable fee is set for the programme which is payable in installments.


There are altogether 48 seats in BED programme out of which 20 percent seats are allocated for scholarships. Scholarship will be available as per the rules of the University. A separate application is required as per University Scholarship Procedure.

For Further Details

School of Development and Social Engineering
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Pokhara University
Pokhara – 30, Kaski, NEPAL
Tel: 061-504038/9856061230
Email: [email protected]