Nepal-Korea Information Access Center (IAC)
The government of The Republic of South Korea has established “Nepal-Korea Information Access Center (IAC)” which has been quite useful to enhance academic activities. On 4th November 2011, “Nepal-Korea Information Access Center (IAC)” was inaugurated by Vice-Director, Cho Miyong Woo, Head of Informatization Planning Bureau, Informatization Strategy Office at the Ministry of Public Informatization and Security (MOPAS) at Pokhara University.
The IAC is a Korean Government’s global activity that aims to create an environment that the public benefits from IT and raises IT literacy while promoting IT cooperation between developing countries thus by helping to reduce the global digital divide. The IAC consist an IT training laboratory, an internet lounge, a seminar room and an administrative office to offer the local communities a wide range of opportunities for information. This center could be equally useful for us in the future to run joint program and research activities with those institutions.
IAC provides access to Internet, includes an Internet lounge for local residents to use it for ICT education purposes and a seminar room to host both domestic and international events. Hardware, computer and video-conferencing equipment is provided as well which will go a long way in helping to bridge the digital divide.
The IAC is sponsored by Ministry of Public Administration and Security of the Republic of Korea [IMOPAS] and implemented by National Information Society agency (NIA) Korea, formally known as KOICA. It has updated its Information Access Center (IAC).