Message from the Director

School of Engineering (SOE), the only constituent college of Pokhara University under the Faculty of Science and Technology is situated in the east of Pokhara Valley, a perfect combination of tranquility and beauty, city of seven lakes, Lekhnath, Pokhara. Currently, SoE is offering five engineering programs in bachelor’s level and four in master’s level.  We are also expanding our program to be a leading academic institution in the engineering studies. I am delighted to invite you as a student to explore the technical education.

It’s my great pleasure to welcome all the students who are seeking for higher education in the field of engineering in this School. I am proud of the students studying in this school and those graduated from Pokhara University. We commit for the quality education. Besides regular courses, the involvement of students in the research and other activities enhance the teaching learning environment. Our graduates are capable and competitive human resources as nation demands. Every year our students are pursued for higher education at reputed universities and also selected for the job placement in the government institutions, I/NGOs and private sector.

We have a team of highly qualified and fully dedicated faculties with many years of teaching experience. Our teaching and learning is strengthened by developing proper working environment, proper planning and management of resource with the support of enthusiastic team of administrative staff and management team. I am thankful to you all for choosing SOE for your higher studies.

Er. Om Prakash Giri