Admission Notice for Vacant Seat (Engineering Programs)
Examination Centers: All Master’s Degree Programs( Spring Semester -2017)
MA English, MDEVS and MPhil Scholarship Notice
Results Published: MBA(AIM/APEX) & BPH (8th SHAS)
Rechecking/Retotaling Results( Engineering Final Year) and Engineering Drawing-Spring 2017 Schedule Published
Faculty of Health Science, Vacancy Announcement for Lecturer
Postponed Admission Notice for MDEVS
Admission Notice for Vacant Seat (Health Science Programs)
2nd List Scholarship Awarded Notice & List
Admission Notice for BE Civil (Limited Seat)
Results Published: B.Sc. Biochemistry(8th Sem; Spring-2017) and MPH( Fall-2017)
Admission open for Master of Development Studies (MDEVS)
कार्यालय फर्निचर खरिदसम्बन्धी सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र आव्हानसम्बन्धी सूचना