Semester I
Course Code Subject Credit Hours
CHM 110 Applied Chemistry 2
PHY 110 Applied Physics 3
MTH 110 Calculus -I 3
ENG 110 Communication Techniques 2
CMP 112 Computer Programming 3
MEC 112 2 Engineering Drawing 2
Total Credits 15
Semester II
Course Code Subject Credit Hours
MTH 150 Algebra and Geometry 3
MEC 150 Applied Mechanics 4
ELE 112 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3
CVL 110 Civil Engineering Materials 2
CVL 112 Civil Engineering Workshop 1
GTE 150 Engineering Geology 3
MEC 114 Introduction to Energy Engineering 2
Total Credits 18
Semester III
Course Code Subject Credit Hours
ARC 150 Building Technology 2
MTH 210 Calculus - II 3
WRE 212 Fluid Mechanics 3
MTH 216 Probability and Statistics 2
STR 216 Strength of Materials 3
CVL 216 Surveying I 3
Total Credits 16
Semester IV
Course Code Subject Credit Hours
MGT 250 Engineering Economics 3
WRE 250 Hydraulics 3
MTH 252 Numerical Methods 2
GTE 252 Soil Mechanics 3
STR 252 Structural Analysis I 3
CVL 252 Surveying II 3
Total Credits 17
Semester V
Course Code Subject Credit Hours
WRE 310 Engineering Hydrology 2
CVL 318 Estimating and Valuation 3
GTE 310 Foundation Engineering 3
STR 314 Structural Analysis II 3
TRP 310 Transportation Engineering I 3
ENV 310 Water Supply Engineering 3
Total Credits 17
Semester VI
Course Code Subject Credit Hours
CVL 350 Civil Engineering Project I 1
STR 214 Concrete Technology and Masonry Structure 3
STR 354 Design of Steel and Timber Structure 3
Elective 3
WRE 352 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 3
ENV 352 Sanitary Engineering 3
CVL 316 Survey Field Project 1
TRP 352 Transportation Engineering II 3
Total Credits 20
Semester VII
Course Code Subject Credit Hours
CVL 450 Civil Engineering Project II 3
CVL 412 Construction Project Management 3
STR 352 Design of R.C.C. Structures 3
Elective II 3
CVL 416 Engineering Professional Practice 2
WRE 410 Hydropower Engineering 3
Total Credits 17
Semester VIII
Course Code Subject Credit Hours
Elective - III 3
INT 484 Internship 6
Total Credits 9
Total Credits 129

1 Internship: Internship duration 12 weeks of industrial/professional engagement (direct supervision of the field supervisor will be
considered 1 hour per week for official purpose)
2 Elective III: Elective III will be conducted in modular basis
3 Survey Camp: Field work will be conducted in 10 days
4 Electives: Elective I, Elective II shall be chosen from same stream and Elective -III shall be chosen from any stream.
5 Pre-requisites: Student must pass at least 70 credits to be eligible for internship.